Lebanese American University

Program Components

Participating NGOs and Institutions 2013

View the List of NGOs 2013


amel_foundation_logo.jpgAMEL - Lebanon

Founded by Dr. Kamel Mohanna in 1979 in response to the Israeli invasion of South Lebanon, Amel is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization that supports the most underprivileged populations in Lebanon through various programs involving health care, psychosocial support, rural development, child protection and the promotion of human rights. Amel has become an international NGO in 2010 seeking to improve the collaboration between civil societies of the North and the South for a better and more human world. Amel Slogan? Positive Thinking and Permanent Optimism.

ANND.jpgArab NGO Network Development - ANND

The Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) is a regional network, working in 12 Arab countries with seven national networks (with an extended membership of 200 CSOs from different backgrounds) and 23 NGO members. ANND was established in 1997 and its headquarters is located in Beirut, Lebanon since 2001. ANND aims at strengthening the role of civil society, enhancing the values of democracy, respect of human rights and sustainable development in the region. ANND advocates for more sound and effective socio-economic reforms in the region, which integrate the concepts of sustainable development, gender justice, and the rights-based approach.

chaml_logo.jpgChaml - Lebanon

Chaml (Nonviolent Nonsectarian Citizenly Youth) is a political movement that was established in 2006 and has gathered young people embracing nonviolence and non-sectarianism from Lebanon. Chaml aspires to overcome all manifestations of sectarianism and violence in the political process, and educational and judicial systems and to help empower the Lebanese community with the principles of nonviolence and the values of democracy, justice, and in essence that of active citizenship. Chaml does not embrace any impartial or neutral roles, but instead has profound alternatives of its own. Chaml was first conceptualized by Dr. Walid Slaybi in 2004, who helped set it on the beacon of principles which now it embraces.

Common-Space-Initiative.jpgCommon Space Initiative

The Common Space Initiative for Shared Knowledge and Consensus Building is a Lebanese independent and inclusive initiative which facilitates structured dialogues among policy makers, intellectuals, experts, civil society actors, stakeholders, and individuals to create an environment that is conducive to national evolution. This is mainly achieved by enhancing public policy debates, building expertise and common knowledge resources on key issues, and collaborating among the concerned national parties. Its vision is to strengthen the culture of dialogue and consensus building to reach common understanding on key national issues and interests among Lebanon’s diverse groups.

HFHL.jpgHabitat for Humanity - Lebanon

Since 2001 HFHL has reached across economic and social divisions to identify, understand and confront the causes and realities of inadequate shelter throughout Lebanon. HFHL strives to fulfill its mission by building, rebuilding, renovating and rehabilitating houses through partnership models to reach the families in need of housing services across Lebanon. Through these efforts, HFH Lebanon has assisted over 4,600 families—more than 20,700 Lebanese—to transform their war-damaged, decrepit, incomplete, or otherwise inadequate shelter into healthy, dignified homes where they can feel secure.

Bassel-Fleihan-Institute.jpgInstitut des Finances Basil Fuleihan

The Institute is the training and documentation center of the Lebanese Ministry of Finance. Established in 1996 to accompany public finance and customs modernization, the Institute is a leading learning hub that delivers high quality training, technical assistance and advice to the Lebanese Government and other public entities in Lebanon and MENA. The Institute publishes annually a number of reports and facilitates access to information through its documentation center “the Library of Finance”. It actively seeks to promote economic and financial literacy among youth. The Institute hosts the regional training center of the World Customs Organization and the Secretariat of the GIFT-MENA network of Civil Service training schools.

LADE.jpgLebanese Association for Democratic Elections

LADE’s main goals are to reform the administrative and electoral systems to ensure an accurate representation and effective participation; to raise the level of awareness of Lebanese citizens and enable them to participate in the political process; and to ensure democratic electoral processes. To achieve these goals, LADE proposes alternative systems and laws in the field of elections, decentralization, and laws leading to the abolition of political sectarianism and advocate to adopt these reforms. It also conducts workshops and extensive field events with citizens and periodic reports especially in the elections period.

LFPA_new.jpgLebanon Family Planning Association

LFPA is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established to follow up on international and regional efforts in the framework of family planning, and mother’s and children’s health. Its concerns have expanded to include population, women, and youth issues.

National-Democratic-Institute.jpgNational Democratic Institute

The National Democratic Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental organization that has supported democratic institutions and practices in every region of the world for more than two decades. Since its founding in 1983, NDI and its local partners have worked to establish and strengthen political and civic organizations, safeguard elections, and promote citizen participation, openness and accountability in government. NDI has worked with local partners in 125 countries and territories, bringing together individuals and groups to share ideas, knowledge, experiences and expertise.

ppm_logo.jpgPermanent Peace Movement

The Permanent Peace Movement (PPM) was founded in 1986 at the height of the Lebanese civil war, by a group of university students. Unified by their aversion to violence and common vision of a brighter, more peaceful future, they set the cornerstone for what has grown into an experienced organization that promotes peace throughout the MENA region. In the last decade PPM has mediated and delivered conflict resolution training in Cyprus, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Turkey, Iraq and Lebanon. Permanent Peace Movement (PPM) works on building peace in local, national and international communities through spreading the culture of peace and transforming/ preventing conflicts. It also strives to empower individuals and institutions enabling them to play their respective roles in this field.

ALEF_logo.jpgALEF-Act for Human Rights

ALEF is an independent non-governmental organization that acts to change attitudes and behaviors to protect, promote and monitor Human rights in Lebanon, by changing the present popular perception that Human Rights issues are idealistic and elitist. It also works on empowering the civil society and considering the youth as the main actors of change and a reservoir for volunteers for what they represent in terms of potential multiplying effect. 


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