Lebanese American University


2015 program

Dr. Rania Mansour

Dr. Rania Mansour

Dr. Rania Mansour is a professor of social work and development in the Lebanese University and President of the Department of Social Work in Modern University for Business and Science (MUBS). She is also a consultant to a number of local, regional and international non-governmental organizations in the field of assessment and scanning needs, planning, evaluation and follow-up studies, capacity building and the development of strategies and internal policies and regulations and the organization of conferences and issues of rehabilitation and disability, and provides consulting services for the Office of Development and Planning in the Directorate General of General Security in the areas of evaluation studies. Dr. Mansour expertise in the field of training on a variety of topics including what is relevant to the management of self-management of anger and emotions and resolve conflicts peacefully resolve conflicts within the family and management of diversity in the work and leadership and body language service hotline and some of which is more specialized as methods of intervention in social work with the individual and the family in Community and society and the origins of specialized professional interview and documentation, networking and partnership sessions psychosocial support, crisis management and systems of national referral to victims of trafficking to prepare trainers in the promotion of human rights practices in women’s prisons that is currently supported by the Ministry of the Interior on psychosocial support for Syrians children’s sessions in Milan - Italy. The many studies have addressed the children of unknown parentage, prostitution, the difficulties faced by the social work profession, early marriage and others. Dr. Mansour has a doctorate in social psychology from the Lebanese University



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